

Corporate Brand Architecture and the evaluation process

Do you think about creating an individual brand for your product/service offering?

With the Corporate Brand Architecture process, we will support you in evaluating the necessity or possibility for an individual brand.

Each potential individual BASF product, service or subsidiary brand has to go through a mandatory evaluation process to categorize and position the brand within the Corporate Brand Architecture.

The dimensions of the Corporate Brand Evaluation Process:

Our Brand evaluation is based on:

Here you can find our process:

Please contact your Brand Champion or the Brand Consultants. Together you can go through the process. 
The brand evaluation process leads you to the brand evaluation-ID card and the brand evaluation tool.
Please share the documents after finalizing them with the Brand Consultants (GBE/SHV-TCB) and Brand Strategy team (COM/ST) for approval.
The final documents have to be approved and signed by the head of Corporate Communication & Government Relations and by the President of the division.

With the Corporate brand evaluation the brand category is defined. Now follows the brand development and brand management.

Download graphics of the Corporate Brand Architecture 
Here you can find the Corporate Brand Architecture graphics in all corporate colors and with the German and English captions.