The BASF Logo

Core element and important part of
the brand image
The BASF logo is the visual expression of the BASF brand. It marks the publisher on all communication materials and connects the message to the BASF brand.

Components of the BASF Logo

With the four letters “BASF” we show our pride in our tradition and in our strengths. The two reverse mirror-image square shapes of the square components are an additional symbol of partnership and intelligent solutions. The claim refers to innovation and cooperation: We develop solutions with others – with customers, with scientists and within BASF Verbund. In short, “We create chemistry” represents the core of our company and of the BASF brand. Together, the lettering “BASF”, the square components and our claim “We create chemistry” form an inseparable unit. We use the claim in English all over the world. It is part of the logo and is never translated.

We communicate our strong brand in the same manner in all media. For that reason, we use only the form shown here. This prohibits as well any kind of animation of the logo or of its components.


BASF lettering

Square components

The logo’s three components always appear together and the claim of the logo is never translated.
Depending on the background, the BASF logo is either white or black.
Position and size depend on the communication material.
The BASF logo appears in the logo bar or unattached in an extensive Corporate Color.

Color and Background

The background adds emphasis

Our BASF logo has no color of its own. The BASF logo does not include a corporate color. The impression of color is created by the background color:

Use of the BASF logo with the corporate colors
Naturalistic, faithful and attractive: The BASF logo appears only on a uniform, monochrome background. It never appears on images, gradients or patterns.
In most media, it appears in white on one of our corporate colors.

Note: The use of the logo in new PPT design templates is an exception to this rule.
Contrast between background and BASF logo

If the definitions for a specific media (e.g. letter paper) do not allow for the use of a corporate color, the BASF logo is positioned on the background available.

In that case, the logo is always black on a white background to achieve the greatest possible contrast. In exceptional situations, a white logo is used on a dark background.

Use in molding, embossing and etching
If color cannot be used, the BASF logo in its original form can be etched, embossed (raised or imprinted) or reproduced for molds. In these cases, it must always appear flat, never as a contour.

Placement – our brand needs space


Avoid 3D effects

The BASF logo is always depicted in the same layer as its background, without any 3D effects. If it is necessary to cut the logo components out of e.g. a plastic board, select the minimum thickness of the material to limit the 3D effects and shadows at the edges of the logo components.

Exception of logo use

In exceptional cases with a sensitive environment such as e.g. Health, Care, Nutrition or Agriculture the use of the claim will be no longer mandatory but optional.

Please note: this exception is only possible for business units with respective reasoning. It does not apply in Corporate Communication.

Possible cases could be:

  • Product communication aims directly at end consumers in the B2C sector
  • Using the logo with claim is verifiable disadvantageous, when selling products from health, care, nutrition, agriculture or other sensitive business segments
  • Product is connected to other sensitive topics and areas of use

How to request the logo exception:

  • Get in contact with your global Brand Champion
  • Fill out the  document for logo use exception with respective purpose of use and verifiable arguments
  • Let your Brand Champion and Brand Consultant / COM sign the document
  • Receive the logo file from the Brand Champion