
Always in our colors
Our giveaways transport the values of our brand.
Whether the layout principle with the logo bar is used, depends on the item and the message. 
Which item to choose?
Select a giveaway that adds value to the BASF brand through its material and functionality.

If you need to use a giveaway which cannot be produced in one of our corporate colors, please contact the Corporate Brand Management for permission to display the logo on the existing background.


Other colors

If standard items are not available in the exact corporate colors, select a color that is as close as possible to one of the corporate colors.


Usage of core elements

The consistent use of our Corporate Design core elements on giveaways increases the visibility and effect of the BASF brand. We purposely select giveaways in our corporate colors or alter the colors to reflect our corporate colors. 


Corporate colors

Our corporate colors are used on giveaways as follows: 

Logo bar
Whether the layout principle with the logo bar is used, depends on the item and the message. 
Corporate colors on parts of the item
If giveaways are available that already display our colors on part of the item or if parts can be produced in our colors, the logo can be placed there. 
Full-tone backgrounds
When producing giveaways, the entire background can be in one of our corporate colors. 

The background is always monochrome and uniform (no structures, patterns, gradients or images).


Minimum size
