Fairs and Events


Trade shows

A good opportunity for an impressive appearance 

All general rules of the Corporate Design are used for trade shows and events. This applies to trade show booths, flexible display walls and temporary exhibitions. All design elements from the visual style can be used to design trade show booths. 


If individual brands also appear at a BASF trade show booth, the brand hierarchy must be arranged vertically:

  • The top zone of the booth is reserved exclusively for the prominent display of the BASF corporate brand.
  • Individual brands can appear in the middle zone and lower zone.
  • This ensures that BASF is made visible from far away and attracts attention at eye level of the individual brand.

The appearance should correspond to the defined ratio (Brand Architecture) between the corporate brand and the Companion brand, i.e. the corporate brand is valued as highly as the Companion brand.

You will find design rules for the various communication materials used on a trade show booth on the detail page of the Companion brand.

You will find further brand-specific rules for use and display of the Companion brand in the design guidelines for the respective individual brand. You can contact the responsible brand manager of the respective individual brand if these are not already available in the list of approved individual brands.


When a depiction of more than two individual brands is needed, the logos of the brands are placed in the logo bar as well.

This principle can, depending on the available space, be applied either to the left, to the right of or below the BASF logo. Placing the logos below the BASF logo requires a dividing line and the height of the colored area may not exceed twice the height of the defined logo bar.

Ensure that the depiction of the individual brands features an excellent contrast and use white logos whenever possible.



Events of Companion brands


GBH/IB generally supports the implementation of corporate events.

The general rules of Corporate Design apply. You will find the rules on using and displaying brand-dependent design features for events in the respective Companion brand's design guidelines.

If these are not available in the list of approved individual brands yet, you can contact the responsible brand manager of the respective individual brand.



Contact and feedback

The team Brand Consultancy is happy to support you in case of questions: contact.
Please let us know what you think about our Brand Portal: Feedback.