Brand in 3D

Brand in 3D enables worldwide a brand experience at many touch points. This conveys lively our value proposition and contributes to a consistence brand experience.

The use of brand-strengthening elements used in the design of buildings, rooms, interior fittings, etc. is determined by their life span.

Materials, structures, colors and other design elements should be evaluated and used in line with our guiding principles.

BASF Poland

BASF Florham Park

BASF Turkey

BASF Dubai

The BASF Brand Value Proposition and Guiding Principles are the foundation

of Brand in 3D.


Focus topics like innovation and sustainability are not only communicated lively through posters, pictures, presentations and brochures but ideally as well through objects, integrated materials in furnitures, floorings or walls.

Objects and architectural structures with a long life span shall be designed in a sustainable and timeless manner. Sustainability issues can be taken up in communication tools as well by the type of materials used. 

For orientation regarding the regionally differing sustainability standards please see the 

Customer orientation

The customer should feel that he is in focus.

We offer solutions to different challenges and situations. Various interior designs contribute to divers working methods and benefit creative solutions for and with our customer.



The consistent usage of our corporate design strengthens the recognition of our brand.

The corporate colors serve as accents and create together with the BASF logo a visual connection to our brand.

Our one word equity “connected” can easily be expressed in the design of all rooms in which exchange and partnership with customers and colleagues are fostered (offices, meeting rooms, coffee kitchen).

Connections Pattern

The 'connections pattern' offers an exceptional, graphical possibility to express connectivity and was inspired by our history, products and sites. The pattern can be rendered in 2D and 3D and used across a wide variety of applications: on walls, on fabric, as a tile, for glass frosting, etc. It can be manipulated in size and color to your needs.



You can downalod the Connected Pattern from the Downloadcenter. The zip files are available in DWG format. DWG is a proprietary binary file format for storing two- and three-dimensional design data and metadata. It is the native format for multiple CAD packages.

Construction of the Creation Center in Ludwigshafen

Entrance areas

The feeling of having arrived at BASF

Entrance areas are an important brand touch point. This is where the brand BASF has to be expressed with all key elements of the Corporate Design.

This can be done with low budget measures like hanging up posters, placing exhibits, showing BASFs publications or using branded glasses and coffee cups.

The usage of corporate colors on walls, furniture and fabrics can also set a course and support in the recognition of the BASF brand.

Entrance area in D105 in Ludwigshafen

The life cycle concept is the basis of implementing Brand in 3D

The life cycle concept helps to determine where to integrate the strongest expressions of the brand in corporate architecture and design in a cost effective way.

Long life cycle items such as buildings should be neutral and long-lasting whereas short life cycle items such as office supplies can make use of all corporate design elements to express our brand.

Office supplies, posters and brochures

If you have only a small budget, if you are short of time and if you have a limited potential of changes then you can bring the brand into effect by cost effective items and materials which can be easily updated if there are possible changes.

Objects like coffee cups, brochures, office supplies, calendars and posters are easily implemented without big investments and create a strong brand appearance.


Interior elements: corporate colors on walls, fabrics and furniture, BASF materials in furniture and floor covers, etc.

According to the interior equipment for offices, conference rooms or foyers the use of generally neutral colors like white or warm greys is preferable. However, corporate colors can be used specifically as lively accents. Geared to the color concept, fabrics and furniture reveal the brand impressively. 

Corporate colors can be used here but are not always required. Strategic issues like innovation and sustainability can be experienced through BASF materials in furniture, coatings and paints. According to the design of representative areas like entries, foyers or conference and meeting rooms all core elements of our Corporate Design should generally be used. In this case, presentation screens, designed wall surfaces or banners are suitable.





Architecture and structural elements: buildings and structures

Big investments like buildings and spatial structures should be planned as well as designed neutral and long-life. In this case, materials and colors that will not go out of style are used. Brand elements are not integrated directly in the architecture but added as a change of the Corporate Design would mean great cost. The attachment of logos on buildings, which are visible from a distance, is expensive and therefore is only useful on buildings with effective visibility and which are highly frequented. However, the labelling and sign-posting are obligatory at all BASF locations. In this case, we use the panel system.


Acoustic insulation via BASF material: Basotect®.



Tools for meetings include: product samples, whiteboards, and interactive screens for creative working with customers.


Durable flooring via BASF material: Mastertop®.



Color accent in a corporate color.



Circular tables forming different configurations, tabletop is BASF material: Kaurit® Light.


Corporate color accents create a visual highlight and link to our brand BASF. 


Myto chairs, developed in the "designfabrik", add another layer of brand expression.


Branded items with a rather short life span like the cardboard stools are a cost efficient way to express the brand. 

Klaus Gödert
GBH/IM Service Fairs and Design