Outdoor advertising

Clear directions and a reception that is true to style

BASF sites are immediately recognizable due to a consistent labeling with the panel system and the BASF flags.

The six corporate colors can be used to display the BASF brand in entrance areas of BASF buildings.

As a rule, all core elements of our corporate design should be used for designing areas that represent the company to others, such as the entry to a site, the reception area, and conference and meeting rooms. For these areas the brand can be displayed in the form of displays on walls, specially designed wall surfaces or textile banners.


Our welcome sign

Flags are a striking visual signal with a touch of sovereignty. Every BASF site should therefore have a number of flags marking entrances which are relevant for visitors.

Regardless of existing individual brands, BASF sites are always equipped with flags which only present the BASF logo placed on one of our corporate colors.

Depending on national commercial practice national, state or regional flags can be displayed together with BASF flags.

BASF logo on buildings

The brand visible from a distance

Only few sites which are easily visible are suitable for this type of sign. Such an investment in brand awareness is only worthwhile if the prominently placed BASF logo is visible for a large external audience in the area around the BASF site.

The BASF logo on facades


You will find a dimension sheet for manually scaling the BASF logo to extremely large formats at:

Plants, tanks and smokestacks

Only in rare cases plants, tanks and smokestacks are labelled with the BASF logo. This would be only the case when it will support a positive image for the brand BASF as well as when the expense and effort are justified by the expected benefit.

The decision whether or not to put the logo on such a site will be made by the site management together with the Brand Champion responsible for that site.

Panel system

The use of the panel system is mandatory on all BASF sites!
They always show the BASF logo, provide information about the site’s function and can be used as directions.


Display of individual brands


Labeling of panels

The upper panel always shows the BASF logo. Logo and claim are on the panel’s left-hand side.

The second panel contains site-specific information. For example, the name of the site, the name of the business division, unit or function appear here.

If needed, further panels can provide more information on the organizational unit or the function of the building.

Size and dimensions

Note: Product and performance brands can only display their brand name as text with a trademark symbol on panel signs. They may not display their logo.


Signage for external companies

Klaus Wallasch
GBH/IM Fairs
Klaus Gödert
GBH/IM Service Fairs and Design