Corporate Colors

Expressing diversity and change
In every communication material one of the six corporate colors is to be used respectively as the prominent color. A different corporate color should be displayed in a variety of communication materials. The colors have no designated meaning or order. Every color is equally usable.


Colors and their use with the logo
Color is not part of the BASF logo. The BASF logo is always black or white and it is placed on a background in one of our corporate colors, e. g. in the logobar design or when appearing with other brands.
Usage – flexibility and freedom in design
Our corporate colors are expressing diversity and change. Our corporate colors are used as:

In all communication materials, one of the corporate colors is to be used as the prominent color.

All other corporate colors can be used as supporting colors, e.g. for bullet points, separating lines etc. Please always ensure that the overall effect of the media is homogeneous and does not appear randomly colorful.

The corporate colors are used only in media, in market and corporate communication material. In applications that fulfill a purely functional or informational purpose and do not serve in market and corporate communications, we have consciously chosen not to use a color (e.g. internal signage or building signs).


Use of colors

Use only one corporate color per communication material whenever possible. Additional corporate colors are only used for the effective differentiation of respective contents.

  • You can use all gradations of a single corporate color, as long as the differences between the gradations are clearly visible (no gradient).

  • If you require a second corporate color to support your message, please use a color from the color pair.

  • You may also supplement the color pair by using gray gradations.

Color definition
Brilliant colors in all media

In order to ensure a uniform appearance of all colors in all media, we have defined the color values for various color systems.

We recommend four-color printing (CMYK) for printing on paper. Printing with a spot color (e. g. one spot color and black) should only be done when four-color printing is not cost-effective.

Four-color printing (CMYK) is the reference color system for establishing the BASF corporate colors. The most similar colors possible for other color systems have been determined. Due to the limited selection in other color systems, these colors will never match the original CMYK colors perfectly.

The defined color value of the respective corporate color is used for the logo bar.

For printing on paper, we reommend to use the four-color printing (CMYK). On digital touchpoints, RGB and Hexadecimal are the prefered color systems. Read more about the different color systems below on this page.


The definition of the corporate colors is based on CMYK as most communication materials are produced in four-colour printing.

Other color systems merely allow approximations of these colors.

* Slight difference from CMYK color.

** Some difference from CMYK color.

*** Significant difference from CMYK color.

Brand colors

BASF light blue  
CMYK coated, uncoated 87/24/0/0
sRGB decimal 33/160/210
Hexadecimal #21A0D2

PANTONE coated

PANTONE uncoated

2925 C *
2995 U *
RAL RAL 5012 Light blue

HKS 3000 coated

HKS 3000 uncoated

47 K-70-30 **

47 N-90-0 *

NCS S 1560-R90B
BASF dark blue  
CMYK coated, uncoated 100/75/0/5
sRGB dezimal 0/74/150
Hexadezimal #004A96

PANTONE coated

PANTONE uncoated

Reflex Blue C ***
Reflex Blue U ***
RAL RAL 5002 Ultramarine blue

HKS 3000 coated

HKS 3000 uncoated

42 K-80-30 *

42 N-100-10 *

NCS S 4055-R70B
BASF light green  
CMYK coated, uncoated 70/0/100/5
sRGB decimal 101/172/30
Hexadecimal #65AC1E

PANTONE coated

PANTONE uncoated

369 C **
376 U ***
RAL RAL 6018 Yellow green

HKS 3000 coated

HKS 3000 uncoated

67 K-100-30 *

67 N-100-1 *

NCS S 2075-G30Y
BASF dark green  
CMYK coated, uncoated 100/0/91/28
sRGB decimal 0/121/58
Hexadecimal #00793A

PANTONE coated

PANTONE uncoated

356 C *
355 U **
RAL RAL 6032 Signal green

HKS 3000 coated

HKS 3000 uncoated

57 K-90-30 *

57 N-90-10 *

NCS S 3065-G10Y
BASF orange  
CMYK coated, uncoated 0/47/100/0
sRGB decimal 243/149/0
Hexadecimal #F39500

PANTONE coated

PANTONE uncoated

144 C **
144 U **
RAL RAL 1007 Daffodil yellow

HKS 3000 coated

HKS 3000 uncoated

6 K-80-10 ***

6 N-80-10 ***

NCS S 1080-Y30R
BASF red  
CMYK coated, uncoated 0/100/80/20
sRGB decimal 197/0/34
Hexadecimal #C50022

PANTONE coated

PANTONE uncoated

187 C **
1797 U ***
RAL RAL 3031 Orient red

HKS 3000 coated

HKS 3000 uncoated

15 K-100-10 *

15 N-100-10 *

NCS S 1580-Y90R

Skin and Hair Colors

The picture shows only some possible color combinations. All skin and hair colors can be combined with each other as desired.

Skin Tones

RGB 96/36/6
CMYK 38/84/96/58

RGB 192/87/57
CMYK 19/74/79/8

RGB 196/103/58
CMYK 26/60/79/19

RGB 252/191/146
CMYK 0/32/45/0

Hair Colors

RGB 237/171/24
CMYK 6/36/94/0

RGB 196/103/58
CMYK 26/60/79/19

RGB 163/163/163
CMYK 38/29/30/8

RGB 63/63/63
CMYK 66/56/53/58

RGB 96/36/6
CMYK 38/84/96/58

RGB 192/87/57
CMYK 19/74/79/8


In general only one prominent corporate color should be used. This means we avoid the random combination of colors in our design.
