


The strong look of a strong brand

  • All Corporate Design features apply to the sites on the World Wide Web. 
  • The core elements of the design were incorporated in the modules and templates with the introduction of the content management system (Adobe AEM) – this means the editor of websites automatically follows the Corporate Design correctly.
  • Our web content is displayed using the responsive design method on four viewports: Different layouts are displayed depending on the size of the mobile device used.
  • The BASF logo bar is displayed on computer monitors, tablets and smartphones. In the logo bar the Companion brand (former field 2,3 brand) is placed next to the BASF brand and separated by a divider.
  • Photos, illustrations, icons, cards and info graphics follow the definitions of the visual style.
  • Für PC-Monitore, Tablets und Smartphones wird der BASF-Logostreifen verwendet. Die Companion Marke (ehemals Feld 2,3 Marke) wird im Logostreifen neben der BASF Marke, von einem Trennstrich getrennt, platziert. 

Fotos, Illustrationen, Icons, Karten und Infografiken folgen den Definitionen des Visuellen Stils.

Screenshot of a BASF internet website

  • One defined area for the brand logo in each of the different viewports 1-4. 
  • One defined size for a logo for each viewport on all types of pages.
  • Within a viewport, logos are not scaled as the BASF logo also has a defined size.
  • Maximum dimensions of a logo have the same height in viewports 3 + 4 to ensure that these logos do not appear too large in comparison with the BASF logo. Square or high logos have the same size in both viewports. Only very wide logos are scaled larger in viewport 4.
  • In viewports 1 + 2 the logo has the same size. Their placement, however, is different: The logo is centered in viewport 1 and right-justified in viewport 2.

Logos in the different viewports:

Contact the experts

For any questions around the website and intranet site, please contact:

Anna Rebecca Egli
Anna Rebecca Egli
Corporate Communications - Digital Engagement
Andreas Fitger


Applying the BASF Design to Intranet Pages


Contact the experts

For all questions concerning the website or Intranet pages, please contact: 

Andreas Fitger


The different levels of a BASF domain


  • Rules and processes for the application of domains are defined in Domain Policy from decision to deletion.
  • Companies operating under the BASF name and brand must also use domain names for web servers and e-mail addresses which include the BASF corporate brand.
  • In domain names, information is organized from right to left in up to three levels: Top level, second level and third level.

    Depending on published content, there are three alternatives for second level domains:
    - Corporate domain (sender: the entire company)
    - Company domain (sender: a group company)
    - Keyword domain (switches to a corporate or company domain)

Social Media




Film and Animation

The guidelines under brand alliances apply when films are published by other parties. 

A licensing agreement or license is necessary for the commercial use of the BASF brand through third parties. Please contact the colleagues at GBI/L on this matter. For current reporting, e.g. in television broadcasts, this is not necessary.




Presentations are an important touch point for an individual brand

Companion brands (former field 2,3 brands) are always depicted in combination with the BASF logo and in the BASF logo bar their individual logo is placed separately through a white line as a divider.

The proportion of the individual logo and the BASF logo is defined for each individual brand and is used consistently. Ideally, the Brand Manager record this definition in a brand document which is created for the individual brand. In this document it has to be ensured that the proportion of both logos remains the same. In general, each slide of a presentation shows the BASF logo bar.


The use of the Wizard enables you to choose one of many differently designed templates. When the PowerPoint Wizard is installed, it appears as an additional toolbar in your PowerPoint application.

For technical support in using the BASF PowerPoint Wizard, please contact your local IT support desk. For fundamental technical issues please contact the local IT Support.

If you would like to incorporate your Individual Logo into the Wizard please contact the Wizard Team (

Settings window of the PowerPoint Wizard


Contact and feedback

The team Brand Consultancy is happy to support you in case of questions: contact.
Please let us know what you think about our Brand Portal: Feedback.