


Rebranding is an important workstream in an integration. Based on the experience of previous integrations, it is highly advisable to develop an accompanying communications plan focusing on transparency for all employees with regards to the measures that need to be taken and the timeline for implementation of those measures.

Joint effort is necessary to ensure a smooth transition.

Decisions to be taken in advance

Who needs to help in which cases?

Integration Management (IM)

  • Closing Dates
  • Integration plan
  • Legal Entity Change


  • Websites – Disclaimer
  • Footer
  • Letter heads
  • Picture rights
  • Licences
  • Brand evaluation (Trademark check – financial value)


  • Email addresses
  • Packaging
  • Naming
  • Brand evaluation (Brand Architecture)
  • Footer
Important and to keep in mind
  • Change to BASF Corporate Brand only once and in alignment with main triggers of the integration.

  • After Legal Closing, all corporate communications measures should be produced in accordance with BASF Corporate Branding.

  • All rebranding activities are designed to support and strengthen the businesses while fitting the related business plans.

  • Discuss possible solutions for branding in transition periods to support customer orientation.
Brand Manager
  • Transition strategy
  • Rebranding and review of 
    brand portfolio
Project Lead Communications
  • Communications strategy
  • Timeline
  • Approach
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • One Voice Policy
  • Key messages
  • Monitors KPIs
  • Issue Management and 
    Crisis Communications
Editor Media
  • Newsletter
  • Social Media
  • Intranet/Internet
  • Sets up and coordinates 
    Global Communication
    Integration Team
  • Contact person for functions, 
  • If necessary: Develop 
    Ambassador programm
Event manager
  • Day 1 events
  • Welcome packages
  • Announcement of integration 
    plan events
  • Informal employee dialogs
SAP (ERP) Kommunikationsspezialist
  • Koordinierungsrolle
  • Informationen für Mitarbeiter
  • Werbebriefe
Sales & Marketing Communications
  • Sales Kit
  • Trade Show integration
  • Product portfolio Integration
  • Business and trade media
  • Q&A 
  • Standby Statements
  • Authorities
Strategischer Partner für das Management
  • bereitet das Management beider Unternehmen vor
  • Mitarbeiter Q&A

Team needs to be connected too: 

Integration Team
  • Management of both companies
  • Integration Manager
  • Project Management Office
  • affected Global Business Units
Within BASF
  • Subregions
  • Countries
  • Sites
  • Service Units
Communication Community
  • Acquired company
  • Regional and local communication teams
Functional units within affected division
  • Human Ressoucres
  • Supply Chain
  • Information Management
  • Controlling
  • Master Data