Individual Brands
The Design Guideline—Base for a Consistent Brand Appearance Across all Touch Points / Brand Presence
The design for an evaluated individual brand has to be documented/registered and communicated in a Design Guideline in order to enable a correct implementation of the brand.
Responsible for the creation, care and communication of the design guideline of an individual brand is the respective Brand Manager. The brand consultants are happy to help in this matter. After the approval by the brand consultants the design guideline has to be published in the intranet of the respective division of the individual brand.
This belongs in a design guideline:
The elements highlighted in bold should be contained in each design guideline. All others serve as a suggestion.
1. Information about the brand
2. Basic elements
3. Stationery
4. Interactive Media
5. Print Media
6. Packaging
7. Give aways
8. Vehicle branding
9. Trade-fair appearance
10. Appearance in brand alliances
11. Contact
Brand Strategy Process
Essential Basis for a Consistent and Efficient Brand Management
As a brand strategy is the basis for a consistent brand management, it is obligatory to develop a brand strategy for each individual brand. The strategy should define medium to long-term decisions enabling the long-term increase of brand value.
The process supported by the brand consultant facilitates the strategy development.
While the strategy for Companion brands is linked very closely to the corporate brand strategy, the degree of individualization increases with the increasing importance of the single brand for their target groups (Companion and Satellite brand); but without losing the reference to the Corporate Brand BASF.
Do you have any questions or need help?
Then please contact your responsible Brand Champion.