July 1, 2021


ProvisiaTM Rice System

A weed control system designed to maximize yield potential of rice fields. 


It has been designed for rotation with the Clearfield® Production System for rice and features a new mode of action, providing growers with an ALS resistance management tool. The ProvisiaTM Rice System is comprised of the ProvisiaTM seed, containing the Provisia trait, paired with specifically selected herbicides . In addition, the trait is recognized as a non-transgenic by regulatory authorities, giving growers the market acceptance they need to be successful.

Benefits of The ProvisiaTM Rice System

  • New site of action in the rice industry
  • Excellent rotation partner for the Clearfield® Production System for rice
  • Helps growers have the rotational control they want on their operation
  • Provides excellent early season control of ALS-resistant grasses, red rice, volunteer rice, and other grasses

How The ProvisiaTM Rice System Works

The ProvisiaTM Rice system is comprised of ProvisiaTM seed containing the ProvisiaTM trait, which allows growers to safely apply ProvisiaTM herbicide. Used in rotation with the Clearfield® Production System for rice, growers can plant a rice-rice-soybean rotation, and an optional fourth year of conventional rice. You also get flexibility to grow more rice over multiple seasons, while rotating different herbicide modes of action (ALS, ACCase) for sustainable management of all resistant rice types and annual grasses.


Ryan Schaul
Manager, Global Brand and Marketing Communications, Seeds & Traits
For the design guideline and brand insights please contact the Brand Manager.
Last UpdateJuly 1, 2021