Our vision: Improved decision-making and security through technology
Right from the beginning within BASF Research, the team took a new perspective on their work. We break with established practices, rules and routines to create unique solutions to long-standing problems. As a pioneer, trinamiX did not only invent a novel 3D imaging technology, but was also the first start-up being spun out of BASF Research. We are passionate about technology and motivated by new insights, discoveries and customer wishes. That's also why we added IR sensing into our portfolio - not an obvious move as a team dedicated to 3D imaging, but it was an opportunity that we had to grasp and we were determined to make a business. It proved to be successful and gave us strength and a broader basis. By 2020, trinamiX has more than 100 employees worldwide, a world-scale production for IR detectors in Ludwigshafen, outstanding technology and still a lot of ideas on what could come next.
We are determined to live up to our mission:
trinamiX sensing technologies shall help humanity to capture and understand the hidden and invisible world all around us – for improved decision-making and security.