A Key Visual is not...
Key Visuals
A Key Visual is a guiding theme and key message that translates into a symbolic image to support a brand, campaign or even unit and OD.
It can be visualized through a diverse set of communication materials, such as graphical, figurative or 3-dimensional elements like icons or images, highlighting the main message in a unique way. Therefore the visualization does not need to consist of only on image.

When establishing a Key Visual make sure it covers the following characteristics.

The key visual should be a distinct visual or element that is memorable and can be specifically associated with the brand, project or entity.
The key visual should be usable across all channels and therefore flexibly adaptable.
As the key visual is intended to appeal to a specific target group, it must evoke emotions so that they can identify with the brand or project.
The key visual must be easy to recognize and should communicate the intended message in an understandable way.
The key visual should tell a story that is aligned with the marketing message.
The key visual should convey the core message consistently across all channels.
Former Senior Project Next Generation Business Architecture (NGBA)
The NGBA Key Visual was a rocket. It symbolized a new beginning, exploring new worlds, optimism and a focus on the future – all of which were aspects that the former Senior Project NGBA also stands for.
Note: This Key Visual is not longer used.
How a Key Visual can support your overall message
Developing a Key Visual is supposed to be a creative, yet strategic process that helps to define an element that is highly connected to your brand or product.
A Key Visual is useful when ...
- You follow one main message you would like your audience to understand.
- You know and understand the needs of your target group so that a Key Visual will resonate with them.
- You want to support your brand or project on an emotional level.
- You got a long-term project, that will, over time, build up a connection towards the Key Visual which gets recognized by your customers.
- You have multiple channels and touchpoints and plan on a high level of implementation.
How to develop a Key Visual
There are 5 major steps you need to take, when you want to develop a Key Visual: