InVigor® Canola
The world's most trusted canola seed and oilseed rape varieties (spring and winter).
InVigor® canola hybrids and oilseed rape varieties (spring and winter) continue to advance the industry by delivering vigorous early season growth, uniformity in height and maturity, superior genetic potential for yield and - most importantly - the ability to consistently outperform other hybrids and oilseed rape varieties, even under stressful growing conditions. That's why InVigor® continues to top yield rankings in a multitude of trials.
With top-yielding hybrid genetics, InVigor canola hybrids consistently drive agronomic performance, even in adverse growing conditions. Game-changing, value-added traits and features, including LibertyLink® trait, patented pod shatter reduction technology ad Clubroot resistance options, help protect yield potential and increase growers' flexibility in overcoming harvesting challenges and disease pressure. With a wide portfolio of InVigor® oilseed rape hybrids, growers can be confidence in selecting a hybrid that fits the way they want to farm.